

Timestamp events

This option timestamps various types of incoming/outgoing messages with the current time and date, using the format found in $asctime().


Strip codes

This allows you to strip out the Control Codes codes from incoming private messages or channel messages.


Only if the number of codes exceeds...

This applies the strip codes feature only if the number of control codes in a message exceeds a certain number.


Ctcp finger reply

The message a user receives when they /ctcp finger you.


Quit message

The message displayed to other users when you quit IRC.


SJIS/JIS conversion

Makes mIRC encode outgoing SJIS messages into JIS, and decode incoming JIS messages into SJIS, for Japanese systems.


Multibyte characters

This setting will improve the display, and mark/copy behaviour, of text containing multi-byte characters in mIRC windows.


Multibyte editbox

If you need to enter text that consists of non-English characters, enabling this option should allow you to do so.


UTF-8 display

This global setting is enabled by default and ensures that mIRC properly displays UTF-8 text in all windows in mIRC.


If you prefer not to have UTF-8 display enabled for all windows and would prefer to set this on a per-window basis, you can do so through a window's System menu.


Font Linking

This setting works in conjunction with the UTF-8 display setting. If enabled, allows mIRC to display all characters regardless of the font you are using, assuming you have the required fonts on your system.


ANSI codes

Makes mIRC interpret ANSI color codes and convert them to mIRC color codes.